Ajey Pandey

Energy Futurist

Great to Meet You!

My name is Ajey Pandey—I’m based in the Boston area, I work in grid modernization at an electric utility, and I’m looking for a future wife. I have a deep curiosity for the world at large, and I love learning from other people and sharing what I’ve found.

I think deeply about everything and then act decisively. I am building the skillset, influence, and wisdom to help people at scale—and I think I’m making good progress.

I’ve built the ship and set a good course. All I need is someone to sail with.


The Details

Age 26 (June 4, 1997), 5’9”
Does not smoke; drinks alcohol almost never; exercises almost every day.
Does not have children; but wants to have children.

Work: Integrated Resource Specialist at Reading Municipal Light Department — See resume
Education: B.S. in Electrical Engineering (2019) from University of Massachusetts Amherst. Currently pursuing MBA (est. 2026) at University of Massachusetts Lowell.


  • Music

    • High-fidelity music equipment, vinyl records, music production, music theory & composition

  • Writing

    • Fiction, art criticism, tabletop role-playing games

  • Exercise

    • Running, road cycling, weightlifting

  • Film Photography

Personality [IPIP-NEO-300 Five-Factor]:

Agreeableness: 86th percentile
Conscientiousness: 81st percentile
Extraversion: 99th percentile
Neuroticism: 2nd percentile
Openness to Experience: 98th percentile

Who Am I Looking For?

In order, I’m looking for:

  1. Emotional maturity and personal character

  2. Moral clarity, thought-out principles, and a life that reflects those principles

  3. Intelligence, wit, and work ethic

I have almost completely aligned my life with my goals, and I have reached the limit of what I can do on my own. I need backup—a second set of hands, a second opinion, a second to breathe.

I’m also looking for someone who is certain she wants children.

Where Am I Going?

I am on track to become a General Manager at a municipal electric utility by my late 30s. I have mapped my career on a ten-year trajectory so that I will be perfectly qualified for jobs that do not exist yet.

I plan to be a strict and principled father—no TV in the house, but whiteboards everywhere. I want to raise my children myself, instead of outsourcing my parenting to a screen or a daycare. I plan to teach my children to be curious, skeptical, and resilient; and I plan to build a community around my children—including keeping my parents and brother close.

Contact Information

If you want to say hello, you can email me at hello.ajey.pandey@gmail.com or call my mobile at +1 781-413-4187.